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Updated: 2021-06-17

Building Your Own Emacs IDE with LSP

When it comes to programming there is a lot of options around how you choose to code. None is perhaps as personal as your choice of editor. Among editors Emacs is one that has stood the test of time and continued to grow in its capabilities throughout the over 30 years it has existed. It is a tool that can last with you for a lifetime. However, Emacs does have limitations when compared to the power offered by a language specific integrated development environment (IDE). For Emacs to be able to provide such language specific features requires an in-depth understanding of every programming language it is working with. That means that each programming language needs its own set of plugins, duplicating effort across languages and also editors.

Enter the Language Protocol Server

The Language Server Protocol (LSP) is an open standard that strives to solve this redundancy. Developed by Microsoft for Visual Studio Code editor, it works by creating a standard communication method for your editor to talk directly with programming tools. Allowing for features like auto complete, jump to definition, find all references, lookup documentation, and error warnings. This reduces wasted work as an editor needs only to implement an LSP plugin to support all programming languages.

LSP and Emacs

With Emacs being the "extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor," there have always been ways to get IDE-like features in Emacs. LSP differentiates itself by requiring less heavy lifting from Emacs, and current Emacs LSP implementation take advantage of many built-in features and well established Emacs packages1.

Feature Package Issues in the past
syntax checking flymake limited language support
jump to definition xref requires generating tags
auto completion company* needs back-ends for every language
argument suggestion eldoc needs packages for other languages

∗ = must be installed from ELPA (the official Emacs package repository).

The benefits of this is you can simplify your Emacs configuration and use fewer external packages. In fact the development of the LSP has spurred on development in several existing Emacs features like flymake and the built in json decoder added in Emacs 27.

Emacs LSP Client Implementations

In LSP terms you have a language specific server that runs in the background and a client that connects to it from your chosen editor. For Emacs LSP clients there are two competing packages, both attempt to support as many LSP features as possible.

  • Eglot has a focus on minimalism, performance, and has the added benefit it could one day be included into Emacs2. For that reason it is also already included in the official Emacs package archive ELPA.
  • lsp-mode targets universal support of as many additional features and packages possible. There are a large number of lsp-mode extensions providing additional features. Most packages beginning with "lsp-" are lsp-mode specific and will not work with eglot. lsp-mode also has a dap-mode package allowing it to work with debuggers that support the Debug Adapter Protocol.

Today we will be using lsp-mode as it is slightly easier setup and is currently has more active development.


The easiest way to install lsp-mode is through the built in Emacs package manager. First we need to add MELPA, a community maintained Emacs package repository, by adding the following to your init file:

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))

Then refresh your package list by typing3:

M-x package-refresh-contents

Now we can install with:

M-x package-install RET lsp-mode

I wanted drop down auto-completion so I installed company as well:

M-x package-install RET company


Here is a very minimal configuration with lsp-mode with company, add it to your init file as well:

(require 'lsp-mode)

;; Start lsp when you open a file for each langauge
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'lsp)
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook     #'lsp)
;; Add more languages as needed

lsp-mode will handle starting all the other minor modes necessary. One tweak to the defaults I made is changing the amount of documentation lsp-mode shows when your cursor rests on a function.

;; Show all documenttion
(setq lsp-eldoc-render-all t)


If you are using use-package, which can help simplify package configuration, check out the example configuration listed in lsp-mode's readme.

Installing Language Servers

A language server is the brains behind all of the LSP features we have discussed, your experience will only be as good as the server you use. It is important to highlight that the LSP is a relatively new technology and not every programming language has a robust server implement just yet.

lsp-mode maintains a list of supportted language servers that should work automatically. More language servers can be found on Two I have experimented with are gopls and pyls for GoLang and Python respectively. A nice feature of these particular language servers is they can be installed using their language specific package tools. For example, gopls is installed with:

go get

and pyls with:

pip install ‘python-language-server[all]’

Make sure that wherever your language server is installed it is reachable from your $PATH. You can test this by running the language server command, for most servers it should run and do nothing. Just make sure you don't get bash: gopls: command not found...

Using LSP

Once you've got your language server open any file on one of your projects and you will be greeted with the following message: is not part of any project. Select action:

i==>Import project root /home/name/Projects/FooBar/.
I==>Import project by selecting root directory interactively.
d==>Do not ask for the current project by adding /home/name/Projects/FooBar/. to lsp-session-folders-blacklist.
D==>Do not ask again for current project by selecting ignore path interactively.
n==>Do nothing: ask again when opening other files from the current project.

The options should be pretty self explanatory, use i if the given root is correct, I if the root needs to be adjusted (e.g. you are in a subdirectory). You should only use d and D for project you do not wish to use lsp-mode's project management features.

Now you are good to code. lsp-mode will have automatically started the necessary modes:

  • company will provide auto complete suggestions,
  • flymake will highlight warnings and errors,
  • xref can find the definition of a function or variable, and
  • eldoc will show function documentation in the minibuffer.

By default M-. will jump to definition of a highlighted function or variable.


Figure 1: Showing company auto complete suggestions (actually eglot, but lsp-mode would look identical)
Figure 2: Showing function documentation with eldoc
Figure 3: Showing function documentation on mouse hover with eldoc


Overall with this basic LSP setup and a few other packages (magit, yasnippets, smartparens, and helm) is enough for me to have a comfortable editing experience with some niceties of an IDE. In the future I'd like to try out Java development using Eclipse's Java language server, as well compare pyls with the Microsoft Python language server.

For someone that would like to take this idea further I would suggest you look into some of the additional lsp-mode packages (lsp-ui, company-lsp, lsp-treemacs, etc.). Also, you could explore making Emacs look more like a modern editor with a nice theme, powerline, NeoTree, and all-the-icons.el.

Possible Issues and Solutions


I have not had any issues with performance on my machine using GNU Emacs 26.3 with the default setting, however, if issues occur there are several steps you can take to increase performance.

Increasing memory limits for Emacs garbage collector and maximum data output read from a process:

;; Increase garbage collector threshold
(setq gc-cons-threshold 100000000) ;; 100 MB

;; Increase amount of data read from a process
(setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)) ;; 1 MB

Using an up-to-date Emacs version can work wonders as Emacs 27 has a native json parser which is reported to be "~15 times" faster than previous versions.

flymake vs flycheck

Another issue you may be facing is with flymake, flymake is currently undergoing a rewrite to better support modern things like the LSP. Some of that rewrite has made it into Emacs 26 and some is still to come in 27. If you are using an older Emacs version, or having other issues you could install flycheck a popular third-party alternative to flymake.

If you are using flymake on the latest Emacs version consider filing a bug report to help with its development.

Full Configuration Example

;;; A minimal config for using lsp-mode

;; Packages
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))

;; LSP
(setq lsp-keymap-prefix "C-c l")

(require 'lsp-mode)
;; Start lsp-mode with desired languages
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'lsp)
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook     #'lsp)
;; Add more as needed

(setq lsp-eldoc-render-all t)

;; Drop-down auto completion
(require 'company)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)



In Emacs a package is like a plugin in other editors.


Emacs requires contributions to have copyright assignment given to the FSF in order to be added, Eglot requires this for contributions


In Emacs M is Alt so M-x is Alt + x, C is Ctrl, and RET is Enter.


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